PreK and K Registration Information
We are happy to welcome you and your kindergarten student to the Henry County School System!
In order to enroll your student in Kindergarten, you will need:
A copy of your child’s birth certificate (a state copy with seal, not a hospital copy)
A copy of your child’s social security card (requested if available)
Current Tennessee Immunization Certificate
Proof of a physical— must have been performed within 1 year of the start of school - not needed if your child attended a Henry County pre-school program during the 2021-2022 school year
2 Proofs of Henry County residency - current utility bill, telephone, etc.
All the above items must be on file prior to enrolling your child in the school. If any of these items are not available at the time of enrollment, the items must be brought to your school’s office by the 1st day of school.